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Embracing the Rollercoaster Ride of Creativity: A Message for Artists

Jun 01, 2023

By Sergio Gomez

Pull up a chair, grab your favorite sketchbook, and let's have a heart-to-heart conversation about something we all know too well: the ups and downs of being a creative soul. If I had a dollar for every bad studio day, I would be rich. I know, right? It's like we're all part of this secret club where creativity can sometimes be a wild rollercoaster ride.

When Inspiration Takes a Rain Check

We've all experienced it. That moment when we eagerly step into our sacred creative spaces, ready to dive into our art, only to find our minds drawing a complete blank. It's frustrating and disheartening, especially after completing a new series or a commissioned project, or returning from a rejuvenating vacation. And sometimes, it strikes when our thoughts are scattered all over the place. It's as if the creative "magic" has vanished, leaving us questioning our abilities.

The Comparison Trap

To make matters more challenging, we live in a world where social media bombards us...

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Embracing Your Self-Worth as an Artist: Pricing Your Art

May 31, 2023

By Sergio Gomez

As artists, we all know the struggle of putting a price tag on our creations. It's one of the most challenging aspects of our journey. How do we determine the value of the art we've poured our heart and soul into? At first glance, the idea seems ridiculous. But let me assure you, my fellow artists, we've all experienced this dilemma at the start of our art careers.

The Constant Questions

As we grow and mature in our artistic endeavors, the same questions continue to haunt us. When should we raise our prices? How should we charge now compared to a year or two ago? These questions are valid, and they reflect our desire to navigate the art market with confidence and fairness.

Starting with Self-Worth

Today, I want to discuss a vital starting point in this pricing conundrum: self-worth. Step one is to believe wholeheartedly that what we offer as artists holds tremendous value. It's time to silence those nagging voices of doubt and truly embrace the fact that our...

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Reigniting Your Creative Spark: Reclaiming Inspiration and Overcoming Burnout

May 30, 2023

Listen to the podcast or read the article below by Dr. Yanina Gomez

For artists, the journey of creation is often fueled by passion and a desire to share their unique visions with the world. However, amidst the pursuit of their artistic endeavors, burnout can creep in, dimming the creative spark and hindering the joy of creation. To prevent burnout from overshadowing your artistic journey, it is essential to implement strategies that nurture your well-being and reignite your inspiration.

In this blog post, I'm sharing 2 practical tips to help you avoid burnout and two tips to help you overcome burnout so that you can reclaim your creativity, and rediscover the joy in your artistic pursuits. Let's start with 2 tips for avoiding burnout. 

Tip 1: Prioritize Self-Care and Mindful Restoration

As an artist, I bet you often push yourself relentlessly, dedicating countless hours to perfecting your skills. Many artists do! However, neglecting...

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The Artistic Journey: Documenting and Organizing Your Creative Legacy

May 30, 2023

Today, I want to talk about something that's close to my heart and an essential aspect of our creative lives: documenting and organizing our artistic journey. It's like they say, "If you do not document it, it's like it never happened." So let's dive in and explore how we can make the most of the incredible technology available to us and ensure our work leaves a lasting impact.

Embrace the Digital Age

Living in this day and age, we have a remarkable advantage—technology that fits right in the palm of our hands. Gone are the days of waiting anxiously for our 35mm camera slides to develop. We now have the power to capture, preserve, and share our artistic process effortlessly.

Documenting: More than Just Moments

Documenting our creative journey goes beyond capturing mere moments. It's about gathering valuable information and insights about ourselves and our work for the future. By documenting our process, we create a visual diary that helps us reflect on our growth, techniques,...

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Marybeth Rothman on Finding Her Voice and Conquering Social Media

May 29, 2023

Join host Sergio Gomez in an inspiring conversation with artist Marybeth Rothman on The Artist Next Level Podcast. Discover how Marybeth found her artistic style, conquered fears about marketing and social media, and gain insights into her upcoming solo exhibition. Explore her use of vintage photographs as inspiration for her captivating mixed media artworks. Don't miss this episode packed with artistic wisdom and inspiration from a Smithsonian Institution, National Portrait Gallery, Semifinalist in the Outwin Boochever Portrait Competition 2022.


  • Uncovering your unique artistic style
  • Conquering fear and embracing marketing
  • Using vintage photographs as creative inspiration
  • Marybeth's upcoming solo exhibition 

Tune in to The Artist Next Level Podcast with Sergio Gomez and special guest Marybeth Rothman for an engaging conversation that will elevate your art career!

Marybeth's website: https://www.marybethrothman.com/

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Embrace Your Artistic Dreams: Grant Yourself Permission to Soar

May 26, 2023

By Sergio Gomez

A Personal Story of Pursuing a Dream

Let me share a little personal story with you. Back in 2019, when I had just begun my gallery and studio journey in the vibrant city of Chicago, I started having this wild dream. I couldn't stop thinking about curating a massive national show that would put me in the map in the art word. But oh boy, the doubts flooded my mind like a torrential downpour!

Voices in my head whispered all sorts of discouraging thoughts: "You're still a newbie, not enough experience!", "Who even knows you? You're practically invisible!", "Connections? Ha! You don't have them." And let's be honest, those voices had a point. I had every reason to believe that pursuing such a dream was a long shot.

Giving Myself Permission

But you know what? I decided to do something radical. I granted myself the permission to chase after that dream, against all odds. I said, "Why not give it a shot?" And boy, was I in for a surprise!

Fast forward to January 2010,...

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The Eye of Precision: Nadine Robbins on Hyperrealistic Painting [Podcast 334]

May 23, 2023

In this captivating episode of "The Artist Next Level Podcast," host Sergio Gomez sits down with acclaimed hyperrealist artist Nadine Robbins to delve into the mesmerizing world of hyperrealistic portraiture. Prepare to be awestruck as Nadine shares the secrets behind her four-hour video session, where she meticulously captures the essence of a human eye in her breathtaking portraits.

Join Sergio and Nadine as they embark on a fascinating exploration of the creative process, revealing the intricate steps involved in achieving hyperrealism. Discover the story behind Nadine's remarkable video class, designed to guide aspiring artists through the intricate journey of painting a hyperrealistic eye. Uncover the thought process that led her to choose the specific model for this masterpiece and gain insights into her decision to offer this transformative experience as an online class.

In this inspiring conversation, Nadine opens up about the challenges and joys of hyperrealism, sharing...

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The Art of Connection: Unleashing the Power of Networking

May 23, 2023

By Sergio Gomez

Embracing the Beauty of Collaboration

Creating art is often seen as a solitary pursuit, with artists immersing themselves in the solitude of their studios, seeking inspiration from within. However, there is a vibrant and transformative dimension of the artistic journey that lies beyond the studio walls—a realm where connections with fellow artists and art enthusiasts can ignite a spark of collaborative creativity. Today, we delve into the art of connection and explore how embracing collaboration can elevate your artistic endeavors to new heights.

The Wisdom of Ruth: "It's All About People"

Imagine this: a wise friend and seasoned art connoisseur named Ruth once told me this piece of advice that resonated deeply with me. Ruth, having traversed the art world as a museum director and consultant, once said, "Hey Sergio, it's all about people. Learn to work with them, and success will find you." Her words, seemingly simple, carry profound meaning. They remind...

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Embracing Your Art World: Breaking Free from Intimidation

May 22, 2023

Defying the Illusion of Judgment

Does the art world intimidate you? You're not alone. It's easy to imagine a panel of people scrutinizing our every move, casting judgment on our artistic journey. But here's the truth: the art world is far from being a distant and unapproachable establishment. In reality, the art world comprises each and every individual involved in the art field, from the museum receptionist to the local curator and the international art fair director. Let's not forget the artists themselves, bravely entering the market, showcasing their work, and selling their art. Collectively, we are the art world, and it's time to shift our perspective.

Crafting Your Own Art World

Rather than constantly striving to "get in" the art world, let's ask ourselves a different question: How do we make our own art world? By carefully selecting and surrounding ourselves with the people who inspire and support us, we can create a community that becomes our art world. Our art world...

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The Power of Rest: Unleashing Your Full Creative Potential

May 19, 2023

By Sergio Gomez, MFA

Embracing the Art of Resting: Work Hard, Rest Harder

Introduction: Hey there, fellow artists! We all know the irresistible pull of immersing ourselves in our art and careers. The passion and drive to create can consume us, making it easy to forget the importance of rest. I'll be the first to admit that acknowledging the need for rest in my daily routine has been a real struggle. But let me tell you, it's a lesson worth learning. In this blog post, we'll explore how embracing the art of resting can unlock your full creative potential and prevent burnout. Plus, I'll share a personal story involving my wonderful reminder, Dr. Yanina.

The Forgotten Art of Rest

As artists, we pour our hearts and souls into our work. We become so absorbed in the creative process that resting often gets pushed to the side. Our to-do lists are filled with art projects, exhibitions, client deadlines—you name it. The idea of taking a break seems counterproductive or even...

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