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What Do You Value as an Artist? Discover How Your Values Shape Your Art

As artists, we often focus on the skills we need to improve, the connections we want to make, or the next big exhibition we hope to secure. But how often do we pause to reflect on the why behind our work? What truly drives us? This is where understanding your values comes in—and it can be a game-changer for your art practice.

In this final post of my Artist Branding Framework series, I want to explore the powerful role values play in shaping your art. Let’s dive into this often-overlooked, yet essential, part of your creative journey.

The Artist Branding Triangle: Your Art, Story, Influences... and Values

In previous posts, I introduced my Artist Branding Framework as a triangle. At the center of the triangle is your art. The top corner represents your story—the narrative that makes you unique. The left corner holds your influences—the artists, movements, and experiences that shape your creative expression.

But today, I want to focus on the third and final corner: your values. These are the personal beliefs and priorities that guide you not just as an artist, but as a human being. The things you value most will naturally find their way into your work, whether you realize it or not.

What Do You Value as an Artist?

So, what do you value? It’s a question that can seem simple at first, but it’s one that can unlock incredible insight into your art. The things we value are the things we make room for. We spend time nurturing them, thinking about them, investing in them, and protecting them.

For example, if you value wealth, you might, like Andy Warhol, express that in your art. Warhol famously said, “I like money on the wall,” and his work often reflected themes of consumerism and materialism. From painting dollar bills to Coca-Cola bottles, his art was a reflection of what fascinated him about modern society.

Georgia O’Keeffe, on the other hand, deeply valued nature. Though she didn’t explicitly state that nature was her highest value, her iconic flower paintings, sweeping landscapes, and even her time living in the New Mexico desert all point to her deep connection with the natural world. This value shaped not just her subject matter but the entire emotional and aesthetic quality of her work.

What Do You Value Enough That It Influences Your Work?

There are no right or wrong answers to this question. Every artist values something different—equality, history, family, personal freedom, spirituality—the list goes on. The important part is identifying what you value enough that it shows up in your work.

Maybe you’ve never really thought about this before. And that’s okay! Take some time to reflect on what matters most to you. What themes, ideas, or beliefs come up over and over in your work? What gets you excited to create? What keeps you coming back to the studio? These are often clues that point to your core values.

In my own practice, I’ve found that I deeply value the cycles of life, relationships, and spirituality. These are reflected in much of my work, and because of that, my art naturally attracts people who share these same sensitivities.

Identify Your Top 3 Values

Here’s a simple exercise that can help you clarify what you value most: Sit down with your work and reflect. Ask yourself, “What do I value as an artist?” Identify three core values that consistently influence your art. Once you’re clear on those, consider how you can incorporate them into the way you talk about your art—on social media, your website, and in conversations with collectors.

By doing this, you’re not only gaining clarity for yourself, but you’re also building stronger connections with your audience. When people see that they share your values, they’ll feel a deeper connection to your work, and you’ll naturally attract those who resonate with your artistic vision.

What Are Your Top 3 Values?

Now it’s your turn! What are your top 3 values that influence your work? Take some time to reflect on it and share them with your audience. Your values have the power -to connect you with like-minded collectors, galleries, and opportunities.

Need support navigating your art career? Join the Art NXT Level Coaching program and get the guidance and tools you need to grow as an artist. Whether it's help with building your brand, finding your voice, or marketing your work, we're here to help. Visit The Artist Next Level to learn more and join today!

Thanks for reading,

Sergio Gomez, MFA
Artist | Curator | Author | Art Biz Coach 

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