๐Ÿš€ Make it! artNXTlevel Challenge

Embracing Our Health Struggles, Inspiring Artists Everywhere

Jul 14, 2023

How can artists prioritize their well-being while pursuing their creative passions?


I wanted to take a moment to share a personal story with all of you. You see, I know firsthand the challenges that many artists face when it comes to living with illnesses, diseases, or other conditions that can impact our ability to create. For me, it's been a 16-year journey of grappling with vertigo โ€“ an inner ear malfunction that sends my world into a spin from time to time. It's a condition that comes and goes in seasons, and unfortunately, I find myself in the midst of one of those seasons right now.

The Genie in a Bottle Analogy

In coping with my vertigo, I've developed a unique perspective on my situation. I've come to affectionately call it the "Genie in a Bottle Syndrome." You know, like the genie from the Aladdin tales, except mine isn't granting any wishes. Instead, it barges into my life, disrupting my family time, studio work, and business endeavors. So, I've learned to put that geni...

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