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Embracing the In-Between: A Season of Waiting and Learning as an Artist

Jun 14, 2023

By Sergio Gomez

Hey there, fellow artists! Today, I want to share with you a season I'm currently experiencing - a season of waiting. You know that feeling, right? It's that in-between phase of life where things are uncertain and the answers seem far away. As I sit here writing this message, I find myself anxiously waiting for our big move from the bustling streets of Chicago to the vibrant shores of Miami. Let me tell you, relocating my home, studio, and gallery businesses has turned into quite the journey.

In the Art World, Waiting is Part of the Journey

Now, let's talk about those waiting seasons in our art careers. Maybe you're eagerly anticipating the outcome of a show you entered, or perhaps you're anxiously checking your inbox for news about a residency program you applied to. It could even be that you're waiting for a response to an email you sent to a gallery. We've all been there, my friends, and it's during these waiting periods that we often find ourselves learning the...

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