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Honest Artist's Conversation on the Power of Chat GPT [Podcast 352]

Jun 30, 2023

Welcome to the Artist Next Level Podcast! In episode 352, join hosts Sergio Gomez and Drew Harris as they embark on an enlightening conversation about their fascinating experiences with Chat GPT. Delve into the world of artificial intelligence as Sergio and Drew share the intriguing results of their tests and experiments with this cutting-edge technology.

During this episode, the hosts explore various aspects of using Chat GPT as a powerful tool for artists. From discussing the effectiveness of prompts and responses to unveiling how artists can easily incorporate this new technology into their creative processes, Sergio and Drew leave no stone unturned. However, they also candidly delve into the pitfalls they encountered while working with Chat GPT, ensuring a comprehensive discussion that encompasses both the advantages and challenges of leveraging this tool.

By the end of this episode, you'll walk away with invaluable strategies and insights to navigate the realm of Chat GPT....

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Embrace the Power of Being Gracious with Yourself as an Artist

Jun 30, 2023

How can artists learn to be kinder to themselves and embrace the power of starting anew?

Hey there, I want to talk about something that has been on my mind lately—the power of being gracious with ourselves. As creative individuals, we often set high expectations for our work and can be our own toughest critics. But what if we learned to show ourselves a little more kindness and understanding? Let's dive into why being gracious with ourselves is crucial for our artistic journey.

The Struggle to Be Perfect

I have a confession to make. For the longest time, I used to beat myself up whenever I couldn't complete a task or meet a goal. If I missed a day of sharing my artwork on social media or failed to seize an opportunity, I would feel frustrated and disappointed in myself. Can any of you relate?

The pressure to be perfect can be overwhelming. We want every stroke of the brush to be flawless, every word we write to be profound, and every melody we compose to be...

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Discover The Power of Personal Declarations in Your Art Career

Jun 28, 2023

How can personal declarations empower artists on their creative journey?

Do you believe in personal declarations? I must admit, it wasn't always a concept that resonated with me. Throughout most of my life, I've carried a positive attitude, firmly believing that everything happens for a reason and that the glass is always half full. But it wasn't until I met the love of my life, Dr. Yanina, that I truly discovered the magic behind personal declarations.

"I'm an Artist on a Mission": The Birth of a Powerful Statement

Over the past six years, my artistic journey has taken me on an incredible path of self-discovery. I've gone from crafting a long list of empowering statements to condensing it all into a single, mighty declaration. You might have even heard me say it before: "I'm an artist on a mission."

This simple phrase encompasses all my wishes, goals, and aspirations. It serves as a daily reminder of the purpose that drives me forward, inspiring me to seize each day with passion...

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Embracing Courage: A Personal Message to Artists

Jun 27, 2023

How can artists overcome fear and embrace courage in their creative process?

As artists, we all have that vivid memory of our early days—the days when courage flowed through our veins like an unyielding current. I can't help but take a nostalgic trip down memory lane, reminiscing about the time when I, too, possessed that unbridled fearlessness within my studio. Back then, I approached my artistic endeavors with unwavering determination, unafraid to start over on a colossal painting or take scissors to a canvas to create an audacious collage. The pursuit of finding my voice and style knew no bounds. It was a time when the world's expectations felt distant, and my youthful naivety shielded me from fear's grip.

The Evolution of an Artist

As the years passed, and I matured both as an artist and as a person, I couldn't help but notice a shift within myself. The once unyielding courage seemed to waver, and the risks I once took with ease became harder to embrace. Cutting a painting...

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The Value of Art: A Personal Perspective for Artists

Jun 22, 2023

How can artists overcome doubts about the value of their art when potential buyers hesitate due to the price?

Here's a personal insight that I've gained over the years as an artist and gallery owner. It's a lesson that has shaped my approach to art and the way I engage with others in the creative realm. So grab a cup of coffee, find a cozy spot, and let's dive into this inspiring journey together.

The Futility of Convincing Closed Minds

You know, it's an interesting thing about art. Trying to convince someone who has already made up their mind about its value is like chasing after a mirage. Trust me, I've been there. We've all encountered individuals who simply cannot fathom the worth of art in their lives. And you know what? That's okay.

The Elusive Quest for Art Buyers

It can be disheartening when someone inquires about your art, seemingly interested, only to retreat once they hear the price. We've all experienced those moments of doubt, questioning our abilities and the...

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The Art of Attracting Collectors: From Hunter to Planter Mentality

Jun 21, 2023

How can artists attract art collectors and build a sustainable career?

By Sergio Gomez

Let me share a personal story that might just change the way you think about finding art collectors. Like many of you, I used to constantly ask myself, "How do I find art collectors?" It was a question that seemed both daunting and frustrating, as if I were a hunter desperately seeking elusive prey. But let me tell you, my friends, that question led me down a path of disappointment and uncertainty.

Asking the Wrong Question

As an emerging artist, I thought my job was to go out and find collectors wherever they might be hiding. I believed they were playing a game of hide-and-seek, and it was up to me to uncover their secret locations. But the more I searched, the more discouraged I became. It was a never-ending cycle of frustration.

Shifting the Perspective

It took me years, as I grew and matured as an artist, to realize that I had been asking the wrong question all along. The real question...

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Unlocking Art Opportunities Through Curator Relationships

Jun 20, 2023

By Sergio Gomez

How can artists benefit from staying in touch with curators and art professionals?

Today, I want to share something near and dear to my heart—the art of staying connected with curators. You see, I've been on both sides of the spectrum. As an artist, I've had my work featured in numerous shows, and as a curator, I've organized over 100 exhibitions. And let me tell you, the power of maintaining those curator relationships is often underestimated.

A Missed Opportunity

Do you ever wonder how many doors could open if you simply stayed in touch with the curators who showcased your art? It's a question that has crossed my mind countless times. Throughout my curatorial career, I've been astounded by the number of artists who don't seize this opportunity. So, let's change that narrative and unlock the potential for future collaborations and exhibitions.

The Magic of Staying in Touch

Now, you might be wondering, "How do I actually stay connected?" Don't worry—I've...

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Embracing the Unexpected:Ā Finding New Opportunities for Your Art

Jun 19, 2023

By Sergio Gomez

Today, I want to talk to you about something that has truly transformed my artistic career: embracing the unexpected. Believe it or not, some of the most incredible opportunities have come knocking on my door when I least expected them. So, gather around as I share with you my personal journey and the valuable lessons I've learned along the way.

Opening Doors Through Serendipity

Life has a funny way of presenting us with opportunities we never knew we needed. Think about it – how many times have you stumbled upon an event, an opening, or a gathering by pure chance? Well, let me tell you, my friends, those moments can be life-changing.

Seize the Moment

One thing I've learned is that being present is key. It's not enough to physically show up; you have to be open to the possibilities that await you. So, throw away your expectations and approach each experience with a sense of curiosity and willingness. Trust me, the universe has an uncanny way of aligning the...

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What Is the Best Type of Content to Create as an Artist?

Jun 16, 2023


By Sergio Gomez

I've noticed that many of you in our artistic community often wonder about the best type of content to create for your online marketing. It's a question that lingers in the back of our minds, as we strive to connect with our audience in meaningful ways. Well, let's dive into this topic together and uncover some insights that may help you find your path.

Riding the Wave of Trends: Platform-Specific Content

The first aspect to consider is the platform you're using. In this ever-evolving landscape of social media, trends come and go like the ebb and flow of a painter's brush. So, pay attention to what's hot and trending, because that's where you'll find the most organic reach.

As of now, short Instagram Reels are stealing the spotlight, captivating viewers with their bite-sized, visually enticing content. So, if you haven't explored Reels yet, it might be worth giving it a try and seeing how it resonates with your artistic style.

Unleashing Your Artistic...

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Show Up and Make Your Mark: A Personal Approach for Artists

Jun 15, 2023

By Sergio Gomez

You've probably heard me say, "You have to show up to be remembered," and I still stand by that statement. But today, let's delve deeper into what it means to show up as an artist. It's not just about making videos or creating content for the masses. Sometimes, showing up can take a quieter, more personal approach.

Embrace the Art of Gratitude

One way to show up is by expressing gratitude. Have you ever considered the impact of a simple thank-you note? Taking the time to write a heartfelt message to a collector or curator can make all the difference in your art career. It shows that you appreciate their support and value their contribution to your artistic journey. So why not pick up a pen and let them know how much their presence means to you?

Reconnect and Rekindle

Another powerful way to show up is by reaching out to people you haven't connected with in a while. Life gets busy, and it's easy to lose touch, but sometimes a small gesture can reignite a meaningful...

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