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Conversation with Ahmad Zakii Anwar: Insights from a World-Class Painter

podcast May 11, 2023 0 Comments

In this episode of The Artist Next Level Podcast, hosts Sergio Gomez and Drew Harris sit down with Ahmad Zakii Anwar, a world-renowned artist from Johor Bahru, Malaysia.

Ahmad Zakii Anwar's unique style of painting and drawing has made him one of the most sought-after artists in Asia. Throughout the episode, Ahmad Zakii Anwar discusses how he discovered his style, and the journey that led him from graphic artist to fine art painter. He also delves into his creative process, inspiration, and his philosophy of life.

Listeners will also gain valuable insights into the art world as Ahmad Zakii Anwar shares his experiences exhibiting and selling his work.

So, sit back, relax, and enjoy this insightful conversation with Ahmad Zakii Anwar on The Artist Next Level Podcast.

Visit Zakii on Instagram at @ahmadzakiianwar


Watch the Interview on Video


View More of Zakii's Work 

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