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The Power of Influence: What Shapes Your Art?

As artists, we often think of ourselves as lone creators, working in solitude to bring our visions to life. But here’s the truth: none of us create in a vacuum. Every time we step into the studio, we’re influenced by the world around us—by the people we’ve met, the experiences we’ve had, and the art we’ve seen. These influences play a major role in shaping what we create, whether we realize it or not.

So, today I want to ask you a powerful question: Who or what has influenced your art the most?

What Are You Bringing Into the Studio?

This is the second element of my artist branding framework, right after your Story. It’s all about your influences—the people, events, or circumstances that have shaped the art you make today.

Think back to the first time you picked up a brush or pencil. What inspired you to do that? Was it a specific artist whose work spoke to you? Was it the words of a teacher or mentor who saw something in you? Or was it something more abstract, like the environment you grew up in or a personal experience that impacted you deeply?

Your influences might be more present in your work than you think. Everything you’ve experienced, whether consciously or subconsciously, plays a role in how you approach your art. So, take a moment to reflect: What are the key influences that guide your creative process?

Recognizing Your Influences

Some artists say, “I don’t really have influences. I just create.” But the reality is, whether we like it or not, we all have influences. They might not always be obvious, but they’re there.

Ask yourself:

  • What pieces of art shaped my idea of what good art looks like?
  • Who are the artists I’ve admired the most?
  • What words of advice or encouragement have stuck with me over the years?

Maybe it’s a single painting that changed the way you see the world. Maybe it’s a teacher whose feedback pushed you to refine your craft. Or maybe it’s a fellow artist whose journey has inspired you to keep going.

When you can identify your influences, you begin to see how they’ve shaped your work—and you can use that knowledge to strengthen your personal brand.

Why This Matters for Your Artist Brand

Understanding and embracing your influences doesn’t just help you better understand your art; it also helps you communicate your artistic vision to the world.

When you know what has shaped your work, you can share that story with your audience. It adds depth and meaning to your art, making it more relatable and compelling. It gives you a clear framework to talk about not only what you create, but why you create it.

In a noisy world full of distractions, having a clear, defined brand is essential for standing out. The more you know about your influences, the clearer your message will be, and the more you’ll attract the right audience who connects with your vision.

Take Action: Identify Your Top 3 Influences

So, here’s my challenge to you: Reflect on your artistic journey and identify three key influences that have shaped your practice. Write them down. Make them part of your brand. When you can confidently talk about these influences, you’ll have a stronger narrative and a more authentic connection to your audience.

Ready to Take Your Art Career to the Next Level?

If you want to dive deeper into building a strong, authentic artist brand and attracting the right audience, join the Art NXT Level Coaching program. You'll get the guidance and support you need to elevate your art career and take control of your artistic journey.

👉 Get started today at http://www.theartistnextlevel.com.

Thanks for reading,

Sergio Gomez, MFA
Artist | Curator | Author | Art Biz Coach 

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