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Acrylic and Acrylic Mediums with Expert Rhéni Tauchid [Podcast]

Join hosts Drew Harris and Sergio Gomez as they explore the captivating world of acrylic paint with Rhéni Tauchid, an acclaimed author, painter, and educator based in Kingston, Ontario, Canada.

In this engaging episode, Rhéni shares her journey from artist to author, materials consultant, and co-owner of Tri-Art Mfg. Inc. Rhéni's expertise shines as she discusses the versatility and possibilities of acrylic paint.

Her three books, including "Acrylic Painting Mediums & Methods," offer valuable insights for artists and enthusiasts alike. Discover the vibrant world of acrylics and acrylic mediums, gain inspiration, and learn from Rhéni's incredible story of artistic evolution.

Don't miss this insightful conversation with a true acrylic paint expert!

Artist Website: https://www.rhenitauchid.com 

Tri-Art Manufacturing: http://www.tri-art.ca

The books can be purchased via the following methods:


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