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The Art of Storytelling: A Journey Through 'Painting Life in Pictures'

In this episode of the Artist Next Level Podcast, host Sergio Gomez sits down with two remarkable artists, Yochi Yakir-Avin and Lisa Yves, to discuss their innovative project, "Painting Life in Pictures." This collaboration beautifully blends visual arts and theater, offering an immersive experience that evokes nostalgia and introspection.

Yochi, an accomplished visual artist, and Lisa, a multi-talented musician, songwriter, and theater writer, share how their backgrounds and artistic journeys have culminated in this unique project. Set to take place on August 30 and 31 at the Frank Gallery in Pembroke Pines, Florida, "Painting Life in Pictures" features Yochi's installations of oversized nostalgic images on sheer fabric, complemented by Lisa's evocative play. 

Tune in to hear about the inspiration behind this project, the creative process, and how their work connects with audiences on a deep emotional level.

More Info:



Social Media: @yochiyakiravin

Painting Life In Pictures- free admission
August 30 - reception at 6 PM, show at 7
August 31- 7 PM show
Q&A to follow
Bonus- free CD for audience members

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