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On the Next Level: Thyra Moore

anl community Feb 01, 2022

On the Next Level is a series of interviews that features artists of the Art Nxt Level academy. The artists share their stories of how the academy has impacted their careers as well as share the exciting projects they have been working on. These artists have made the most of their experience and have taken their careers to the next level.



Today’s featured artist is eccentric abstract painter, Thyra Moore.





The pieces in your upcoming exhibit are very energized. What was the process like creating this series? 



Thyra: To create a new series, I usually have the series name, a color palette, and perhaps even some names for various pieces pre planned. What unifies this series is the energy, movement and dimension. As development of a planned series for this show began, the gallery requested a significant number of large pieces (30” x 40” and larger). With a fixed deadline in place, I needed to adjust my initial plan to include new pieces blended with existing pieces. 



Thyra: It was very helpful that the gallery provided a floor plan so I was able to curate the show in advance. Knowing the order and placement of art, allowed me to create and fill in ‘gaps’ with newer pieces to enhance the continuity. The show has an engaging range of sizes from 12” x 12” all the way up to 48” x 60”. The gallery space is large allowing plenty of space for the eye to rest between pieces.





Thyra: My art process is reactionary and built on ‘What if?’ ‘Then what?’. Each step is a response to the previous step. Often I begin to paint the background first then add dimension. Then I work back and forth painting and adding dimension.



When did you discover the Art Nxt Level Academy and how has it been able to give an edge to your art career?



Thyra: As I was creating this show, I learned of Art Nxt Level Academy. Sergio is a wealth of information and knows how to break it down into small bites and clear steps. I was pretty focused on creating this show, so I am just beginning to really get value from the Academy. I do learn something new each week. And the Facebook Group is a wealth of support! I am thrilled at the results of others! Its a wonderful community! I am looking forward to having the time and focus to be able to participate in some of the challenges. 





What about the way you approach your art career has changed since joining the academy?



Thyra: As I mentioned, I am new to the Academy. I believe increased exposure, logistics and peresonal well being (from Dr. Yanina) will be where I first get the most value. Whatever I need, I know Sergio provides a clear path of specifically what I need to do. 





Do you have any additional thoughts or comments you would like to share concerning your exhibit or Art Nxt Level? 



Thyra: With each show, I learn so much. Trying to navigate shows as we emerge from the pandemic is interesting. For Art Nxt Level I appreciate that Sergio is right there doing what we are doing. Yet he also an innovator out there exploring and trying new things (such as with social media). He brings a wealth of experience with real world advice. And to have it all grounded with Dr. Yanina’s insights into our well being brings it all together.





Art Nxt Level is made up of artists from all over the world. Where are you located?



Thyra: I am in Stevensville, Maryland, USA.



To see Thyra’s show or inquire about her paintings, click the following links:









Also check her out on Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn.

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