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How the Online Art World Has Changed in 15 Years with Alex Farkas of UGallery

podcast Jun 14, 2022

In today's episode, I chat with Alex Farkas about how the online art market has changed in the last 15 years with. Founded by Gallery Director Alex Farkas in 2006, UGallery has developed a loyal following of art collectors, artists, and interior designers in all 50 states and over 50 countries. 

About Alex Farkas

Alex enjoyed a small town childhood in the old mining town of Jerome, Arizona - there were more ghosts than residents and the arts community thrived. It was his mother’s ceramic studio and gallery that first nurtured Alex’s taste in art. He spent his early years carving wood sculptures, exploring abandoned buildings, and avoiding the rattlesnakes and centipedes under every rock.

At the University of Arizona, Alex loved studying art history and sculpture, and he also enrolled in the Entrepreneurship program. It was here he realized he could combine the two worlds of art and business. Graduating in 2006, Alex launched UGallery using his entire savings. After a few years, he packed up a truck and moved to San Francisco to join its vibrant art market where he runs the business today.

Alex has curated the UGallery portfolio since its inception, hosted booths at the New York Affordable Art Fair for over 8 years, and seen UGallery featured in dozens of publications including the New York Times, Washington Post, and TechCrunch.

About UGallery

UGallery represents the top emerging and mid-career artists from around the world. Founded by Gallery Director Alex Farkas in 2006, UGallery has developed a loyal following of art collectors, artists, and interior designers in all 50 states and over 50 countries. Browse art online in a range of styles, with straight-forward pricing set by our expert curators. Artwork arrives at your doorstep ready-to-hang!



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