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Chris Cantele on Leading the Chicago Alliance of Visual Artists

podcast Oct 20, 2022

Meet Chris Cantele, president of the Chicago Alliance of Visual Artists. Chris has led CAVA from 70 Members in 2011 to over 240 today. CAVA is a volunteer not-for-profit organization founded to serve nationwide artists aged 50 and over. https://www.wearecava.org

About Chris Cantele

Chris Cantele spent over 25 years continuously challenging and expanding his expertise in the client communication, advertising and sales promotion arena. In 1996, he founded Cantele, Sedivy & Associates Advertising, Inc.. The agency was known for employing unique and targeted marketing strategies to help clients build sales, customer traffic and brand awareness.

Since selling the agency in 2011, Chris has been Volunteering within his passion areas over the past 11 years. He is President of the Chicago Alliance of Visual Artists, Project Onward Executive Board Member, as well as a Studio and Event Volunteer, a Professional Scuba Diver and Presenter in the Caribbean Reef and Shark Exhibits at the Shedd Aquarium,  and a Guide Volunteer in Kayaking and Rock Climbing with Chicago Adventure Therapy.

Chris has led The Chicago Alliance of Visual Artists (CAVA) from 70 Members in 2011 to over 240 today. CAVA  is a volunteer not-for-profit organization founded to serve artists aged 50+. We're dedicated to giving our members throughout Chicagoland the opportunity to exhibit artwork in at four to six exhibits annually in such notable venues as the Chicago Cultural Center, Evanston Art Center, Bridgeport Art Center, Beverly Arts Center, and the Leslie Wolfe Gallery in Old Town.

Creating art can be a solitary occupation—CAVA organizes and presents events for older artists come together through its exhibitions, salons, member luncheons, workshops, annual Symposium, and special events.


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