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Branding as an Artist: How Your Reputation Shapes Your Career

When I was in art school, no one ever mentioned branding in relation to my art career. It wasn’t even on the radar. Later, when I took marketing classes and spent 15 years working in advertising, I knew a lot about branding from a corporate perspective. But I didn’t connect it to my life as an artist. They felt like two completely different worlds.

That changed the moment I had to step into the real world as a professional artist—promoting my name, showing my work, and knocking on doors. That’s when I realized branding wasn’t just for businesses. It was something I needed to embrace as an artist. And at the core of branding? It’s simply your reputation.

Branding Is About How People See and Remember You

I know branding can feel like a dirty word. For many artists, it feels like something corporate, something outside the art world. But the truth is, branding is everywhere, even if we don’t like calling it that. Whether we realize it or not, we’re all building a brand as artists.

For me, branding is this: it’s how people see you and remember you in the world. Every time you post online, show up to an event, or interact with someone, you’re building your brand. Every conversation, every piece of art, every decision you make creates an impression—whether it’s positive, negative, or neutral.

Your artist brand is about more than just your work. It’s about your consistency, how you show up (or don’t), and how you treat others in the art community. People remember these things. That’s why branding isn’t just important; it’s essential.

What Kind of Reputation Are You Building?

If you want to build a strong artist brand, start by asking yourself these questions:

  • What kind of reputation am I building?
  • Am I professional, focused, and reliable?
  • Do people want to work with me, or are they avoiding me?
  • How do people feel after interacting with me or my art?

Think about it—if there was a Yelp for artists, what would your rating be? ⭐

These questions help us understand the brand we’re creating. And if we’re not building our reputation intentionally, we run the risk of letting others define it for us.

Your Brand Is Built Every Day

I’ve learned that branding isn’t something you do once and forget about. It’s built every day, with every action you take. Every time you show up (or don’t), every time you communicate with a gallery, post on social media, or talk to a collector, you’re shaping your reputation. Your brand is how people feel about you when you’re not in the room.

The good news? You have control over it. You get to decide how you want to be remembered and what impression you want to leave. That’s the beauty of branding.

Take Charge of Your Artist Brand

Branding can seem overwhelming, but it’s really about taking ownership of how you’re seen and remembered. If you’ve ever wondered why some artists get more opportunities, exposure, or recognition, it often comes down to how well they’ve crafted their brand.

Are you ready to start building a reputation that will take your art career to the next level? It’s time to think about your artist brand intentionally.

Ready to take your artist brand to the next level? Join the Art NXT Level Coaching program for the support and guidance you need to shape your brand, attract collectors, and grow your art career. Click here to learn more!

Thanks for reading,

Sergio Gomez, MFA
Artist | Curator | Author | Art Biz Coach 

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