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Small Works Art Sales Challenge

Hi, I am Sergio Gomez. Do you struggle selling art online? Do you want to find art collectors and produce more sales without looking or sounding salesy?

Let’s face it. Selling art is hard. Sometimes you feel like no one notices when you post your art online and your art marketing efforts just don’t seem to be working. Yet, you see others making sales online.

Perhaps, you feel like you’re missing something but not sure what it is. You are in the right place my friend!

The Small Works Art Sales Challenge is a system I've created to get new art collectors and sell more art during the last 3 months of the year. The first time I used this system in 2012 was so successful that, not only did I sell over 50 small original paintings in two months but I was also featured on National Public Radio (WBEZ-Chicago). Since, I’ve been perfecting this system and inviting artists to join me.

Challenge runs from October to December 2019.

This is how it works...

  • You'll get my weekly video challenge with ideas, samples and an easy to follow group activity. You will have a clear vision of what you'll be doing next. That means, NO MORE guessing or confusion!
  • You'll be part of my private Facebook group so that you can also learn from and get inspired by other artists participating in the challenge. You'll create a marketing plan and choose your best offer.
  • You'll get scripts you can customize and use in social media and save you time. This will help you even if you are an introvert or don’t have a whole lot of time to think about the perfect post caption or email.
  • You'll start or grow your mailing list with creative ideas you can easily implement. You'll learn how to sell, negotiate and handle inquiries both online and in-person.

Challenge begins October 1st! Time is running out!

How much does it cost?

The ONLY way you can be part of my challenge is by joining the Art NXT Level Academy for the next 3 months at only $40/month. This is really the price of success and if you think about it, it is much lower than the price of failure and frustration you may be experiencing right now by not making sales.  

In this challenge, I will take you by the hand from start to finish! We're starting to brainstorm ideas. It's time to decide whether you're in or out.

The challenge begins in October and ends in December. YES, I want to join the challenge with Sergio and sell more art before the year ends!

The challenge can be done with new or existing small artwork or prints. You can join from anywhere in the world. It's a step-by-step framework that's very easy to follow. I'll give you exact scripts to use in your marketing materials. All you have to do is personalize them before you post them.

All other programs just tell you what to do. Here, I do the challenge along with you so you can see how I sell art without damaging my outstanding reputation in the art world! If you like my videos and my way of teaching, you'll love the challenge. Creating momentum for your art has never been so much fun and exciting!

NOTE: If you are already a member of the Art NXT Level Academy, you already have access to participate in the challenge.  :)

I'm going to also give you these Bonuses...

Bonus #1

You’ll have access to Sergio's popular course "Social Media Skills for Artists to Grow an Audience and Get Results” (value at $100). This course is your ticket to, once and for all, master Instagram and learn the secrets behind the big accounts. You will finally master Instagram and use it to build your audience and produce sales.

Bonus #2

By joining our Brainstorming Sessions or Live Facebook Q/A events, where all your questions will be answered. Never feel stuck again because you have a team behind you working behind the scenes so that you can get ahead. We are there to be your #1 fans and your coaches. 

Bonus #3

You’ll also have access to Dr Yanina's popular course "5 Steps to Clearing Mindset Blocks and Refocusing Program" so that you can identify and overcome your biggest obstacles and build the confidence you need to succeed in your art career and in life.

Bonus #4

Sales is not the only thing you want to learn. Perhaps you want to get into galleries, have shows, expand to other countries, participate in art fairs, residencies and so on? We've got you covered. By joining the Small Works Art Sales Challenge you also join the Art Next Level Academy at no additional cost, you get full unrestricted and exclusive access to our entire library of courses to help achieve your goals. Our roadmaps will take you by the hand whether you are an emerging, mid-career or established artist. Everything you will ever need for Exposure, Marketing, Sales, Wellness Support and Organization/Productivity is there waiting for you. This will save you hours and hours of time so that you can spend more time doing what you really love: making art in the studio!

Frequently Asked Questions

Is the challenge for US only artists?

No. The challenge is open to any artist regardless of where you are in the world. It happens online and you can access 24/7 when is convenient for you.  

Do I have to have the art finished before the challenge begins?

No. You’ll be able to create your art during the challenge.  

Can I use old work for the challenge?

Yes. But we ask that it’s a cohesive body of work (e.g., a series)  

Will I have access to all the features and benefits of the Art NXT Level Academy?

Yes. Once you join the challenge, you become a student member of the Art NXT Level Academy and have access to all benefits.  

When will the challenge begin and end?

The challenge begins on October 1st and will last 10 weeks.  



Email us at [email protected]

Looking forward to working with you!  Sergio & Dr. Yanina Gomez



50% Complete

Two Step

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