🚀 Make it! artNXTlevel Challenge

Robin Greenwood, founder of Verni, speaks about creating a platform for artists and collectors to meet

Season #1 Episode #53

Robin Greenwood, founder of Verni, speaks about creating a platform for artists and collectors to meet. Robin Greenwood was born and raised in Berlin, Germany, and had a strong desire to paint throughout his adolescence. Robin chose a career in design, and received a BFA in Communication Design from Parsons in New York. Already during and soon following his studies, he began to freelance as a designer and animator for various advertising agencies, and design/animation/visual effects studios in New York City. His clients include Nike, Coca Cola, Bank of America, Verizon, X-Games, and many more. In 2012, Robin decided to leave the world of advertising behind. He moved back to Berlin, taught himself to code, and started building a platform he wished he had as a painter: Verni. The first prototype was launched in early summer of 2014, and he's been building away at it ever since.


50% Complete

Two Step

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