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Artist Julia Haw talks about art and maintaining a healthy body.

Season #2 Episode #77

Julia Haw (b. 1982, Flint, MI) attended Western Michigan University with a concentration in painting.  She is recognized for her highly bold, nostalgia-inducing and memory-staining paintings. She deals with issues rooted in personal life, Midwestern culture and Western Culture at large that delve into feminism, ageism, memory deterioration, death, intimacy and confrontation. She uses oil paint on cotton or linen as her mainstay medium, in order to achieve empathetic coverage of these socially and emotionally shared issues, and has been able to achieve considerable viewer pause through her dedicated work habit, vibrant color choices, straightforward subject matter, and by using people and objects within her community as models.  Haw’s paintings tend to function as highly relatable, ensuing discussion amongst viewers, and bringing the public forum necessarily back.    

Her work has been exhibited in such places as the Chicago Cultural Center, IL State Museum, and extensively with Claire Molek.


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