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Eight Strategies to Prepare for Your Next Artist Talk

Season #3 Episode #103

Have you ever been asked to facilitate an Artist Talk during your solo exhibition? Chances are that if you have been showing for a while, you have been asked. Perhaps more than once. Yes, it is the dreaded “artist talk” many artists fear about. There are good reasons indeed. For once, you are in the spotlight and people are staring at you and your every move. Aren’t we supposed to make the art and let the people figure it out on their own?

Well, it turns out Artists Talks are not such bad idea after all and you do not have to be intimidated by them. In fact, a successful talk may result in greater self-confidence, can lead to increased sales, greater friendships, new connections and future opportunities. And, who wouldn’t want this?

In this podcast episode, we help you get ready for your next Artist Talk.


50% Complete

Two Step

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