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Artist Claire Becker and the reconciliaion of spirit and material

Claire Becker, born in Paris, France, grew up in Strasbourg where she studied art, literature, music, theater and dance. At 22, she left France to cross the Atlantic Ocean to Washington DC, and never returned, except to visit and present exhibitions.

She has lived in the United States, a short time in Tokyo in Japan, and presently lives and works in Mexico City.

She dedicated 10 years to dance, and has been a sculptor for the past 20 years. Her camera accompanied her in all of her travels and is a key tool in her creative process. Over the last 4 years, she has shown photography alongside her sculpture work.

Her work has been recognized with several grants and prizes and is part of important private art collections, museums’ collections, and public spaces.

She has participated in more than 80 exhibitions and international shows in galleries, art fairs and museums in Mexico, USA, Canada, Chile, Cuba, Australia, Singapore, China, France, Germany and Italy. She has presented more than 20 solo exhibitions in galleries, museums and public spaces, mostly in Mexico, like the Women’s museum (The Table is Set, 2016), the Traeger and Pinto contemporary art gallery (Head in the clouds, 2014), the downtown Plaza Juarez (Bbla, 2012), the Chopo museum (Sweet and Sour, 2007), all in Mexico City; She presented Materia Dispuesta in The Museum of Contemporary Art of Yucatan (MACAY) in the city of Merida, Mexico, in 2013; The moon’s exuberances in The Matthei gallery in Santiago, Chile (2007); Dismantled Reality in the Museum of Anthropology of the City of Xalapa, Mexico, in 2005.





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