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Hope in the Face of Loss: A Message to Artists

Oct 01, 2024

As I sit here reflecting on the events of this past weekend, I’m reminded of how fragile life—and art—can be. Hurricane Helene tore through Asheville, leaving devastation in its wake. The arts community wasn’t spared. Artists I know personally have lost everything—studios are destroyed, artwork is gone, and families are reeling from the chaos. Yet, amidst all this loss, one thing still remains: hope.

The Power of Hope in Times of Crisis

Hope is often the last thing we cling to. It’s the thread that keeps us moving forward, especially in the face of hardship. As artists, hope fuels our creativity. Each brushstroke, every drop of ink, paint, or pixel carries with it the potential for something beautiful, meaningful, and extraordinary. Even when our art doesn’t turn out the way we envisioned, hope keeps us trying again.

But hope isn’t just a quiet, internal feeling. It’s something we can give to others. Right now, our fellow artists...

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