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Embrace Your Artistic Dreams: Grant Yourself Permission to Soar

May 26, 2023

By Sergio Gomez

A Personal Story of Pursuing a Dream

Let me share a little personal story with you. Back in 2019, when I had just begun my gallery and studio journey in the vibrant city of Chicago, I started having this wild dream. I couldn't stop thinking about curating a massive national show that would put me in the map in the art word. But oh boy, the doubts flooded my mind like a torrential downpour!

Voices in my head whispered all sorts of discouraging thoughts: "You're still a newbie, not enough experience!", "Who even knows you? You're practically invisible!", "Connections? Ha! You don't have them." And let's be honest, those voices had a point. I had every reason to believe that pursuing such a dream was a long shot.

Giving Myself Permission

But you know what? I decided to do something radical. I granted myself the permission to chase after that dream, against all odds. I said, "Why not give it a shot?" And boy, was I in for a surprise!

Fast forward to January 2010, and ...

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