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Conquering the Fear of Judgment: Thriving with Imperfection Online

Nov 10, 2023

Do you ever find yourself staring at that "post" button, wondering if there's a digital jury out there meticulously grading your every online move? I've been there too. For the longest time, I would second-guess my social media posts, imagining an invisible critic with a relentless scorecard. It's a common struggle in the art world, the anxiety that comes with sharing our creations with the online universe.

The Illusion of Judgment

But here's the reality check: that imaginary critic with the grading sheet doesn't exist. In truth, most people in your audience have their own lives to lead, and they're not scrutinizing your posts. They're not evaluating your choice of words, the art filters you use, or the precise timing of your updates.

The Stranglehold of Perfection

Yet, this fear of being judged, of failing to meet some arbitrary standard, often leaves us paralyzed. We begin to doubt the worthiness of our creative expressions. It stifles our ability to shine on social media and sho...

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