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Studio Transitions: Artists on the Move. Episode 349

Jun 15, 2023

On this captivating episode of the Artist Next Level Podcast, join Sergio Gomez, Elise Wagner, and Drew Harris as they delve into the exhilarating yet challenging experience of moving studios. Whether it's just a few blocks away or a daunting journey across the country, these three artists share their personal stories and insights on the process.

Moving studios can be a whirlwind of emotions, logistics, and creative adaptation. In this episode, you'll gain invaluable knowledge on how to effectively prepare for the big move. Discover practical tips and expert advice on what to expect during the transition and how to seamlessly settle into your new artistic space.

The hosts bring their own unique perspectives and experiences to the table, sharing firsthand accounts of the joys and hurdles encountered during studio relocations. Their collective wisdom will provide you with a wealth of information, whether you're in the planning stages, in the midst of a move, or have recently settled...

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