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How to Navigate the Business of Art and Find Your Path to Success?

Jul 04, 2023

The Three Types of Artists: Which One Are You?

As someone who has had the privilege of working alongside talented artists for many years, I've come to a realization: when it comes to the business of art, there are three distinct types of artists. Each one has their own approach, their own quirks, and their own unique path to success. So, let's delve into this fascinating world together, shall we?

The Traditional Artist: Navigating the Gallery Scene

Ah, the traditional artist—the one who finds solace in the cozy confines of galleries. These artists cherish the opportunity to collaborate with established art galleries, but they may feel uneasy when it comes to selling their work independently. Without gallery representation, they often find themselves relying heavily on the marketing prowess of these galleries. It's a classic approach that has its merits, but it also comes with its own set of challenges.

The Independent Artist: Forging Your Own Path

On the opposite end of the spectr...

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