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The Psychology Behind Why Artists Struggle with Pricing Art

Jun 02, 2023

By Sergio Gomez

Listen to Sergio in the Podcast

Read Sergio's Blog Post

Today we're diving deep into the psychological challenges we face when pricing our art. I can tell you, from my own experience, that pricing artwork can be a challenging and often uncomfortable task for many artists.

Emotional Attachment to Our Work

First and foremost, it's essential to understand that our artworks are not just products; they're deeply personal expressions of ourselves. Each piece is a part of us, infused with our ideas, emotions, and hours of hard work. This emotional connection makes it challenging to assign a monetary value to our creations.
Take one of my abstract figurative paintings, for instance. It's not just paint on canvas to me. It's an exploration of life cycles and personal experiences. How do you put a price on something so intimate? This is a struggle many artists face.

Fear of Rejection or Devaluation

Another factor at play is our fear of rejection or devaluation. We fear t...

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