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From Studios to Kitchen Tables: Embrace Your Creative Space

Jul 18, 2023

How can I create great art without the perfect studio setup?

Have you ever found yourself lost in the pages of a book featuring artists in their studios? I certainly have. There's something utterly captivating about those visuals—the carefully curated spaces where creativity blooms. For me, it's not about reading the texts; it's about immersing myself in the pictures, exploring every nook and cranny. From the walls adorned with inspiration to the brushes strewn on the floor, these studios are like miniature laboratories of creative brilliance.

Don't Let Comparison Distract You

In today's world of social media, it's easy to fall into the comparison trap. You might look at those picture-perfect studios and feel a twinge of inadequacy. Perhaps you think your own space isn't big enough, lacks natural light, or falls short of the ideal setup you dream of. But here's the truth: those pictures shouldn't intimidate you. They shouldn't distract you from the wonders of what you can create wit...

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Embracing the Unexpected: Finding New Opportunities for Your Art

Jun 19, 2023

By Sergio Gomez

Today, I want to talk to you about something that has truly transformed my artistic career: embracing the unexpected. Believe it or not, some of the most incredible opportunities have come knocking on my door when I least expected them. So, gather around as I share with you my personal journey and the valuable lessons I've learned along the way.

Opening Doors Through Serendipity

Life has a funny way of presenting us with opportunities we never knew we needed. Think about it – how many times have you stumbled upon an event, an opening, or a gathering by pure chance? Well, let me tell you, my friends, those moments can be life-changing.

Seize the Moment

One thing I've learned is that being present is key. It's not enough to physically show up; you have to be open to the possibilities that await you. So, throw away your expectations and approach each experience with a sense of curiosity and willingness. Trust me, the universe has an uncanny way of aligning the stars w...

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