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The Art of Attracting Collectors: From Hunter to Planter Mentality

Jun 21, 2023

How can artists attract art collectors and build a sustainable career?

By Sergio Gomez

Let me share a personal story that might just change the way you think about finding art collectors. Like many of you, I used to constantly ask myself, "How do I find art collectors?" It was a question that seemed both daunting and frustrating, as if I were a hunter desperately seeking elusive prey. But let me tell you, my friends, that question led me down a path of disappointment and uncertainty.

Asking the Wrong Question

As an emerging artist, I thought my job was to go out and find collectors wherever they might be hiding. I believed they were playing a game of hide-and-seek, and it was up to me to uncover their secret locations. But the more I searched, the more discouraged I became. It was a never-ending cycle of frustration.

Shifting the Perspective

It took me years, as I grew and matured as an artist, to realize that I had been asking the wrong question all along. The real question...

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Unlocking Art Opportunities Through Curator Relationships

Jun 20, 2023

By Sergio Gomez

How can artists benefit from staying in touch with curators and art professionals?

Today, I want to share something near and dear to my heart—the art of staying connected with curators. You see, I've been on both sides of the spectrum. As an artist, I've had my work featured in numerous shows, and as a curator, I've organized over 100 exhibitions. And let me tell you, the power of maintaining those curator relationships is often underestimated.

A Missed Opportunity

Do you ever wonder how many doors could open if you simply stayed in touch with the curators who showcased your art? It's a question that has crossed my mind countless times. Throughout my curatorial career, I've been astounded by the number of artists who don't seize this opportunity. So, let's change that narrative and unlock the potential for future collaborations and exhibitions.

The Magic of Staying in Touch

Now, you might be wondering, "How do I actually stay connected?" Don't worry—I've...

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Embracing the Unexpected:Ā Finding New Opportunities for Your Art

Jun 19, 2023

By Sergio Gomez

Today, I want to talk to you about something that has truly transformed my artistic career: embracing the unexpected. Believe it or not, some of the most incredible opportunities have come knocking on my door when I least expected them. So, gather around as I share with you my personal journey and the valuable lessons I've learned along the way.

Opening Doors Through Serendipity

Life has a funny way of presenting us with opportunities we never knew we needed. Think about it – how many times have you stumbled upon an event, an opening, or a gathering by pure chance? Well, let me tell you, my friends, those moments can be life-changing.

Seize the Moment

One thing I've learned is that being present is key. It's not enough to physically show up; you have to be open to the possibilities that await you. So, throw away your expectations and approach each experience with a sense of curiosity and willingness. Trust me, the universe has an uncanny way of aligning the...

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Show Up and Make Your Mark: A Personal Approach for Artists

Jun 15, 2023

By Sergio Gomez

You've probably heard me say, "You have to show up to be remembered," and I still stand by that statement. But today, let's delve deeper into what it means to show up as an artist. It's not just about making videos or creating content for the masses. Sometimes, showing up can take a quieter, more personal approach.

Embrace the Art of Gratitude

One way to show up is by expressing gratitude. Have you ever considered the impact of a simple thank-you note? Taking the time to write a heartfelt message to a collector or curator can make all the difference in your art career. It shows that you appreciate their support and value their contribution to your artistic journey. So why not pick up a pen and let them know how much their presence means to you?

Reconnect and Rekindle

Another powerful way to show up is by reaching out to people you haven't connected with in a while. Life gets busy, and it's easy to lose touch, but sometimes a small gesture can reignite a meaningful...

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