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Conquering the Fear of Judgment: Thriving with Imperfection Online

Nov 10, 2023

Do you ever find yourself staring at that "post" button, wondering if there's a digital jury out there meticulously grading your every online move? I've been there too. For the longest time, I would second-guess my social media posts, imagining an invisible critic with a relentless scorecard. It's a common struggle in the art world, the anxiety that comes with sharing our creations with the online universe.

The Illusion of Judgment

But here's the reality check: that imaginary critic with the grading sheet doesn't exist. In truth, most people in your audience have their own lives to lead, and they're not scrutinizing your posts. They're not evaluating your choice of words, the art filters you use, or the precise timing of your updates.

The Stranglehold of Perfection

Yet, this fear of being judged, of failing to meet some arbitrary standard, often leaves us paralyzed. We begin to doubt the worthiness of our creative expressions. It stifles our ability to shine on social media and...

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The Power of Stepping Away from Your Art

Sep 21, 2023

How can I gain fresh insights and improve my art when I feel stuck or overwhelmed by the constant demands of my creative process and promotion?

 If you've ever found yourself immersed in the whirlwind of creative life – painting, marketing, and scrolling through countless art pieces on your phone – you're not alone. I've been there too, but recently, I stumbled upon something profound. Something that's been right under my nose but took a temporary step away from my studio to truly appreciate.

For the past few weeks, I've had to hit the pause button on my artistic endeavors due to an impending move. The chaos of packing and organizing has temporarily led me astray from my beloved canvas. At first, I missed my paints and brushes like an old friend, but then, something remarkable happened.

New Perspectives, Fresh Insights

As artists, we're often caught in the never-ending cycle of creating, promoting, and seeking inspiration. It's a beautiful but hectic dance that can...

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The Art of Naming Your Art

Sep 18, 2023


How can I come up with a meaningful title for my artwork?

When I sit down to start a new painting, there's one thing I'm sure of—I have absolutely no idea what I'm going to call it. In fact, 99% of the time, I'm in the dark about the title. It's a blank canvas in every sense of the word. But that's where the magic begins.

Sometimes, though, that elusive title decides to show up early, taking the lead in the creative process. It's that remarkable 1% of the time when the title becomes the guiding star.

The Significance of a Title

Now, let's talk about titles. What's in a title, you ask? Well, if you ask me, there's a world of meaning behind it. We live in a world where every work of art needs a title. It's not just about giving your masterpiece an identity; it's a record-keeping necessity.

A Brief History of Art Titles

Surprisingly, titles as we know them today didn't gain prominence until the 19th century. Before that, art often existed without titles, standing solely...

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From Empty Nest to Thriving Artist: Kathleen Heitmann's Journey

Sep 01, 2023

In this captivating episode of the Artist Next Level Podcast, hosts Sergio Gomez and Drew Harris sit down with the incredible Chicago-based artist, Kathleen Heitmann. Kathleen's journey into the world of art is a testament to the fact that it's never too late to pursue your passion. 

Tune in as Kathleen shares her inspiring story of how she embarked on her artistic path after her daughter left for college, embracing the canvas as her newfound companion. As a self-taught artist, Kathleen's determination to thrive in the art world is nothing short of remarkable. 

During this engaging conversation, Kathleen takes us through her artistic evolution, detailing the challenges she faced on her way to successful exhibitions, her very first solo show, and the joy of seeing her works find new homes with private collectors. Her story is a testament to the power of perseverance and self-belief.

As a proud member of the Art NXT Level program, Kathleen emphasizes the transformative role...

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Building Bridges in Your Art Career and Finding New Opportunities

Aug 15, 2023

How can I expand my art career and tap into new opportunities beyond my comfort zone?

Today, I want to chat about something that's been on my mind as I've been journeying through the breathtaking landscapes of the South of Florida. Picture this: loads of brides spanning over serene seas, intricate canals, and tranquil lakes. These bridges, these magnificent structures, got me thinking about our artistic journeys and how they can benefit from a touch of bridge-building magic. So, grab your metaphorical hard hats, because we're diving into the world of building bridges in your art career.

Bridging the Gap, Artistically and Strategically

As I marveled at those bridges, I couldn't help but draw parallels to our artistic ventures. Just as those bridges connect separate pieces of land, our art needs its own connectors – bridges that span the gap between our creativity and the world. That's right, artists are more than just creators; we're bridge makers. Our art serves as a link...

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The Business of Art: Why Money Matters for Artists

Jul 25, 2023

Let's rewind the clock for a moment and take a trip down memory lane to our art school days. It feels like ages ago, doesn't it? Back then, we were passionately pursuing our creative dreams, fueling our souls with the magic of art. But one thing was curiously missing from our conversations – money.

Money, the Unspoken Taboo

Yes, you heard that right. Money was like a hushed secret in the art world. It was a big "no-no" topic that no one dared to touch upon. We were left to navigate the complexities of selling our art, managing our art business, and handling our finances all on our own. No wonder we felt lost.

Andy Warhol showed us that art and money are inseparable, like two sides of the same coin. Now, I've said it many times, and I'll say it again – art is not about money. It's about passion, emotions, and the sheer joy of creation. But here's the thing: to make the art that is not about money, we need financial resources. Money becomes the lever that opens doors to...

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Artistic Alchemy: Becoming an Opportunity Maker in Your Creative Journey

Jul 17, 2023

How can I actively create opportunities for myself as an artist?

Today, I want to dive into a topic that's close to our hearts—the way we perceive and approach opportunities. As creators, we all long for that breakthrough moment, a chance to showcase our talents and be recognized. But how exactly do we navigate the vast realm of opportunities? Let's explore three unique perspectives together.

Waiting for the Stars to Align: The Lure of Passive Expectation

There's a belief among some artists that opportunities should effortlessly land on our laps. We find ourselves waiting, hoping that fate will smile upon us and open the doors of success. It's the waiting game, the mentality of "I'll just sit here in my studio, and someday, something incredible will happen." While it's true that some opportunities may come knocking unexpectedly, relying solely on this approach can leave us feeling stagnant.

Becoming an Opportunity Hunter: Proactive Steps towards Success

Now, let's shift gears...

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Top Secrets of Successful Corporate Art Commissions with Shirley Williams [Podcast 353]

Jul 12, 2023

Welcome to Episode 353 of the Next Level Podcast, where hosts Drew Harris and Sergio Gomez sit down with Canadian painter Shirley Williams to unveil the top secrets of successful corporate art commissions. Shirley Williams, a renowned artist with nearly 30 years of experience, takes us behind the scenes and shares her valuable insights on working with corporate clients, meeting deadlines, navigating contracts, selecting materials, and much more.

Shirley Williams is celebrated for her captivating multi-layered abstract paintings, which draw inspiration from the organic rhythms of nature and the vibrant energy of colors. Her distinctive style has garnered international acclaim, with her work being exhibited across North America in prestigious solo and juried group exhibitions. Museums and commercial art galleries in Toronto, Detroit, Dallas, Austin, New York, San Francisco, and Naples have showcased her remarkable talent.

Notably, Shirley's artwork has found a home in major...

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The Art of Communication: Connecting and Inspiring Through Words

Jul 10, 2023

How can artists improve their communication skills to enhance their artistic journey?

Today, let's delve into a topic that's close to my heart: the art of communication. As artists, we pour our souls into our work, but how often do we consider the impact of our words? Whether you're an extrovert who thrives on social interaction or an introvert who finds solace in solitude, honing our communication skills is a journey we should all embark on.

Embracing Human Connections

I vividly remember a conversation I had years ago with a dear friend named Ruth. She dropped a profound nugget of wisdom on me that still resonates to this day: "Everything is about people connecting with people." Those words struck a chord deep within me, reminding me of the essence of our craft.

No matter how many followers we have, how many exhibitions we've participated in, or how many accolades we've received, at the core of it all, we are human beings seeking genuine connections. So, the next time you sit...

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The Power of Saying No: Empowerment in Your Artistic Journey

Jul 07, 2023


How can I navigate the challenges of balancing opportunities and time commitments in my art career?

I have a confession to make. It's hard for me to say no. I'm naturally a "yes" kind of guy. When someone asks me to do something, I find it difficult to turn them down. But here's the thing: saying yes always comes at the expense of something else. Every time you choose to do something, you're inevitably choosing not to do something else. It's a trade-off we often overlook in the pursuit of artistic growth.

The Growing Artistic Journey: An Influx of Requests

As our art careers flourish and our connections in the art world multiply, we find ourselves being asked to participate in various projects and events. It's both exciting and overwhelming. Opportunities knock at our doors, presenting us with chances to make a difference, to contribute our talents to noble causes. Take, for instance, when a non-profit organization reaches out, requesting a donation of our artwork for their...

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